Why did you reach out to us about booking your private event?
Please check all that apply.
Someone recommended TDPP to me.
I learned on social media that TDPP offers private event services.
I enjoyed attending a TDPP event in the past.
I think TDPP's event experiences are unique.
I like TDPP's all-inclusive and personalized event planning services.
I was celebrating (or helping to plan) a milestone event (e.g. anniversary, birthday, degree, etc).
I was planning a micro wedding.
Other (please provide details in the space below).
Please add any additional details here as to what led you to inquire with TDPP about your private event.
What could we have done differently to ensure you booked with us?
Please check all that apply.
Responded to my inquiry in a timely fashion.
Pricing, the packages offered exceeded my event budget.
Package inclusions, they did not meet my event needs.
Package inclusions, they exceeded my event needs.
Nothing, my event ended up going in a new direction and I no longer required what TDPP offered.
Nothing, my event plans were cancelled.
Nothing, event plans were postponed for the time being.
Nothing, I was not the decision-maker and the decision-maker decided not to book with TDPP.
Other (please provide details in the space below).
Please add any additional details here as to why you decided not to book with TDPP.